About Lions New Zealand
In New Zealand 8,250 members belong to 312 Clubs in seven districts.
We are ordinary people in the community who volunteer by rolling up our sleeves to help with the needs of our community along with our 5 main causes of diabetes, vision, hunger, the environment, and childhood cancer.
When funds are raised the full proceeds go to the cause as Lions Clubs do not incur administration costs. This makes us distinctly different from other charities and fund raisers.
People who live in the community know their communities needs and because Lions Clubs are autonomous, decisions about community projects are made at a grass roots level. Lions projects tend to be very hands on, and we actively work alongside organisations that we support.

We are community volunteers who roll up our sleeves to help young people, the elderly, the ailing, the needy and our environment. In terms of our time on projects and money raised, it is estimated Lions Clubs contribute more than $100 million each year for charitable organisations here and in the Pacific Islands.
We are proud that every dollar raised from the public goes to the cause. We do not take a percentage of the money for our own purposes. This makes us distinctly different from other charities and fund raisers.
People who live in the community know their communities needs and because Lions Clubs are autonomous, decisions about community projects are made at a grass roots level. Lions projects tend to be very hands on and we actively work alongside organisations that we support.

Lions Club members are local service minded people who volunteer to support your community every day. When a group of people join together, roll their sleeves up and take action on projects to make their community better, it’s an incredible feeling for everyone involved. That’s Lions.
Most Lions Clubs meet twice a month, usually over dinner, to plan and carry out their various projects and activities. Many meetings feature interesting guest speakers and all provide opportunities to build friendships. Clubs are always on the lookout for different entertaining programmes and activities for meetings, often involving partners and families of members.
Members have opportunities to participate to the level that work, family and other commitments allow. They have every opportunity to develop leadership and organizational abilities and grow personally and professionally by gaining an understanding and having an impact on their community and international humanitarian issues.
If they choose, they can take on offices that lead through to club presidency and beyond to district and international level of involvement. Above all, members enjoy working with other members on even the simplest of projects and get satisfaction from knowing that they are helping their community at the same time.