Our Partners
If your organisation would like to partner with Lions Clubs New Zealand, then please get in touch.
Camp Quality
Camp Quality is dedicated to bringing fun, hope and happiness to the lives of children aged 5 to 16 living with cancer, their families and communities, through provision of high-quality recreational experiences.
Their goal is to provide fun and comradeship combined with achievable challenges to encourage the children to focus on the positive aspects of their lives.
Members of New Zealand Lions were involved in the initial establishment of Camp Quality and today Lions Clubs and their members support this great organisation by volunteering at their camps and with fundraising assistance.
This partnership assists us in attaining one of our five Lions Clubs International Global Causes that of Childhood Cancer

Cancer Society Lions Lodge
The idea of building special accommodation for radiotherapy patients was first proposed in 1965 by Eric Grocott, secretary of the former Waikato Division of the Cancer Society. A year later Lloyd Fraser of the Hamilton Lions Club initiated the project and Lions Clubs of District 202C gave their commitment to raising funds for it.
Diabetes New Zealand
Diabetes is one of the most serious of public health concerns throughout the modern world and if current trends continue those with diabetes will increase dramatically from 240 million to 456 million over the next 20 years (World Health Organisation). Statistics from New Zealand indicate an alarming parallel trend (currently over 225,000 New Zealanders have diabetes and 50 more people are diagnosed every day).
Lions Clubs and Diabetes NZ work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the public of New Zealand through joint awareness campaigns.
Diabetes is one of the five Lions Clubs International Global Causes.
Kidney Kids NZ
Lions Clubs throughout the country regularly collect can tabs, as well as the screw tops off wine bottles, which also contain aluminium and can be recycled in the same way. The tabs are sold to recyclers and the funds raised are passed on to the Kidney Kids Support Group.
NZ Liver Transplant Service
In 1989 the NZ Liver Transplant Service at Auckland Hospital commenced their business, as well as the self-contained three-unit Lions Transplant House accommodation facility for out of Auckland families to be accommodated in, across the road from Auckland Hospital was purchased and opened. These were funded by Lions Clubs and Community of NZ.
The next generation’s ability to thrive is closely tied to the supports of the local community. Lions and Leos have seen and felt the effects of cancer on children and their families, and continue to bring hope through tangible service and support.
Lions and Hearing Dogs unite to enrich the lives of Deaf and Hearing Impaired New Zealanders. New Zealand Lions have become part of an exciting venture to aid the country's hearing impaired. In early 2021, Lions teamed with national body Hearing Dogs NZ to support them in training hearing dogs for the deaf and hearing impaired.
Both Lions NZ and Hearing Dogs are pleased to be working together to support our community.

Many Lions Clubs throughout New Zealand proudly host the "World Festival of Magic NZ" which has been touring New Zealand for over 30 years. 90 minutes of fantastic family oriented show that tours New Zealand in November and December every year.
TICKETS ARE NOT FOR RESALE and not available to be purchased by the public.
They are given out as "COMPLIMENTARY" tickets to special needs and disadvantaged children and their families to attend.
Learn more on "World Festival of Magic"