Glenfield Lions Club
$100 a metre delivered - mainly Auckland's North Shore and some West Auckland areas.
To arrange delivery contact:
Reinhold Hanwerk (09) 483 9996
Tom Huzziff (09) 482 2106
Tauranga City Sunrise Lions Club
Deliveries are in multiples of 2 cubic metres of thrown (loosely stacked) firewood, available year-round.
For the current price delivered to the Tauranga area, please check this link to their website.
Phone: 0800 546 679
or email:
Temuka Lions Clubs
The Lions Club of Temuka (29888) does Firewood, Peastraw and Fertilizer every year.
These activities are the main core of our fundraising with our hot dog caravan having a season from Dec – March but is an as requested activity.
Firewood: Is almost all year round dependent on supply of logs donated or brought with pecks of activity. Cut mainly over winter drying mid winter, autumn, and early summer and delivered later in summer ready for use that winter. Because the working bees are not set and arranged to suit the club members, the best contact is PO box 1 Temuka our postal address. The firewood is advertised with local contact phone #’s. Sold to usually previous / repeat annual customers.
Peastraw: Is seasonal picked off the paddocks as supplied in Feb-March and selling starts immediately until supplies run out. This activity is changeable and short notice reliant on the farmer, weather, seasons growth, availability and quantities. The best contact at the time is advertised and or club postal address PO box 1 Temuka.
Fertilizer Drive: Is on at present about a month earlier this year and has a close off date, this year close off is 7th June with delivery dates 15th and 22nd of June . The flyer is distributed around the area in May and bagging starts in June with one main working bee with additional bagging as need be. Contact is free postage too PO box 1 Temuka. Or alternatively phone order, the phone # is on flyer.
Kindling: Is almost all year round stock piling over summer. Sold seasonally to a garden center at a set cost price. Activity has regular working bees every second Wednesday from 8.00 am to 11.30 am. This activity is on mylion which gives location, time and dates. Activity can change due to customers requiring more or less kindling.
Port Chalmers Lions Club
Sell Pea Straw each year between February & June.
Contact: Judith Duckett - Secretary