District 202M
Lower North Island East Coast
Lions District 202M welcomes you to our district webpage
The Lion Clubs of our district (the Mighty M) stretch from the East Cape down the East Coast to Wellington, then head north as far as Levin along the Kapiti Coast. We have always been strong Lion Club supporters in this District with Masterton Host Waipoua being the third Lions Club to be formed in New Zealand (Nov 1957) and many Clubs now celebrating their 50th or more anniversary.
Over the years, we have had a positive impact on all of our communities completing a wide range of service projects. That remains our core driver but we are reviewing the services we deliver in our local community now to ensure that they are still relevant and needed. This will help make our work of even more interest to residents who perhaps had never considered Lions before.
We need more help to meet the increasing calls for help from our communities.
Our Clubs have been fairly traditional with meetings and working bees – this is transforming with increasing use of technology and social media that allow for our New Zealand society now working 24 hrs per day x 7 days per week all year.
Lions Club members do NOT have to attend all meetings, the focus is on ‘being there’ to assist our project and service work. This ranges from energetic tasks such as firewood for welfare cases in our communities, through to selling raffle tickets so everyone will find a role in their local Lions Club they can complete within their skill comfort zone and the time they have available.
Our Clubs are a cosmopolitan mix of ages, gender and interests with many Clubs willing to start new groups with a specific interest as a Club Branch. This allows the ‘new Lions’ to have a specific interest or project in mind while still receiving the experienced advice from local Lions and the liability protection of the excellent Lions Clubs International indemnity scheme.
Contact us if you have any questions or would like to see more of what we do.
District Governor - Anne Richardson

202M Theme: "Dispensing Service with Care"
‘Dispensing Service with Care’ is my theme and together with environmental and humanitarian causes will make my year an interesting one. I trained as a Pharmacist and worked in community pharmacy part time initially when my children were little and then I joined the workforce full time. I became a teacher of adult Pharmacy Technicians, teaching at distance online. I retained my registration until I retired 4 years ago. I am able to use much of what I learnt then, in my current role as District Governor, certainly in the areas of dispensing, Service and Care. I have been a Lion for 26 years and in that time held most positions within the Club. The most memorable times are those, when as a club we were providing a service to the community, whether it be straight fundraising or participating in a big project. My partner Gerry and I have 7 adult children and 13 grandchildren, ranging from 4 months to 21 years. We love getting outdoors, visiting different parts of New Zealand, overseas travel and meeting other Lions. I find the youth of today a very inspiring group, with talents beyond imagination. This is why I am working closely with my Youth chair to promote youth projects in every way I can. I intend to encourage Speechmakers, Peace Posters, Youth of the Year Award, Children of Courage, Leos Clubs, Cub Clubs and much more. I have been privileged to be part of some wonderful Lions Projects and seen some great outcomes for the community. More hands will make the joy of providing more Service a reality so I accept the Mission 10K challenge. Let’s all work together as a team and make a successful year.