District 202K

Upper North Island and the Pacific Islands

Lions District 202K welcomes you to our District webpage. 


Lions District 202K is the northern-most district of New Zealand and the Islands of the South Pacific.


Our clubs vary in diversity and culture and are found in both city and rural areas. Most clubs have a mix of both men and women members although there are some that have men only or women only membership. 


Club members carry out a variety of projects including book fairs, sausage sizzles and garage sales, fishing competitions, dog shows, collecting and selling firewood, car shows and even restoration of a memorial church. Funds raised have to be returned to the community and have been used to buy and install exercise equipment, walkways, a playground, community piano, electric BBQ’s, a helipad and town clocks to name just a few of the countless items Lions clubs in our District have contributed over the last few years. 


We are proud to serve our local communities and would love it if you could spare a few hours of your time each month to join us. Club members enjoy fellowship and friendship at meetings, projects and social functions and family members are encouraged to come along as well. If this sounds like something you would be interested in please contact us and we will put you in touch with your local Lions club.

202K Club Meetings


202K Remembrance and Re-Dedication Service at Convention

To view click link here

District Governor - Peter Henderson

Peter Henderson

202K Theme: Make waves by moving forward!

In 2013 I joined the Warkworth Lions Club and since joining have been Club President for 3 terms plus, I have served as various committee chairs and Bulletin Editor as well as being the Starship PICU Appeal coordinator. My wife Carol is also a member and Past President of the Warkworth Lions Club.

As a Lion my involvement with the Starship PICU appeal has been an experience that I value. Within my club, I have not been afraid to look outside the box for activities which have been well received and successful.  As Lions, we must always challenge our thinking and push the boundaries.

In my time on the 202K District Cabinet, I have been Zone Chair, Region Chair and GMT Coordinator on my way to being District Governor.

District 202K, of which Warkworth is part, covers the upper half of Te Ika-a-Māui/North Island from Te Kauwhata north including the Coromandel Peninsular and the South Pacific Islands of Fiji, Tonga, Samoa and American Samoa.

As my theme Make Waves by moving forward! suggests we must be active in our service which will strengthen our organisation. Without waves, stagnation occurs and although a slight ripple allows life, it is the waves that generate energy and move forever forward. Our district is surrounded by oceans and our inland areas are linked by rivers as well as the waves connecting our Pacific Island clubs.

I look forward to being part of the wave action within District 202K and will join all members on the journey of service and fun.

District Governor

Peter Henderson (Carol)
T: 027 477 6519 
E: 202k.dg(at)lionsclubs.org.nz
Club: Warkworth


Cabinet Secretary

PDG Robyn Walker
T: 027 656 1180
Email: 202k.secretary(at)lionsclubs.org.nz
Club: Hikurangi Mountain

Cabinet Treasurer

PDG Deidre Bridge
T: 022 129 4997
Email: 202k.treasurer(at)lionsclubs.org.nz
Club: Eden Epsom

Kindness Matters

We are 8000 men and women serving in clubs across New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa, American Samoa and Fiji.  Use the button below to find your local club and send them a message directly.

Find and message your local club

Get in touch

Please contact our National Office if you have a general query. 

We aim to respond to you within 48 hours.

Contact Us