District 202K
Upper North Island and the Pacific Islands
Lions District 202K welcomes you to our District webpage.
Lions District 202K is the northern-most district of New Zealand and the Islands of the South Pacific.
Our clubs vary in diversity and culture and are found in both city and rural areas. Most clubs have a mix of both men and women members although there are some that have men only or women only membership.
Club members carry out a variety of projects including book fairs, sausage sizzles and garage sales, fishing competitions, dog shows, collecting and selling firewood, car shows and even restoration of a memorial church. Funds raised have to be returned to the community and have been used to buy and install exercise equipment, walkways, a playground, community piano, electric BBQ’s, a helipad and town clocks to name just a few of the countless items Lions clubs in our District have contributed over the last few years.
We are proud to serve our local communities and would love it if you could spare a few hours of your time each month to join us. Club members enjoy fellowship and friendship at meetings, projects and social functions and family members are encouraged to come along as well. If this sounds like something you would be interested in please contact us and we will put you in touch with your local Lions club.
202K Club Meetings
202K Remembrance and Re-Dedication Service at Convention
District Governor - David Thompson

202K Theme: “Be Proud To Be Part Of The Pride”
Fellow Lions my theme for the 2024 – 2025 year is
“Be Proud To Be Part Of The Pride”
I am married to Diane, with three adult children and six grandchildren. We owned and operated a Windscreen replacement company for about forty years and after selling that business recently, we have concentrated on operating Tuakau Glass which we have owned for nearly twenty years.
Both of us were heavily involved in a local rugby club for over thirty years and when we joined Lion the last thing, we had on our minds was to get involved in administration again, but here I am a District Governor, so never say never. Diane is also secretary of our Pukekohe Lions Club.
We have been members of Pukekohe Lions Club for twelve years and I have covered a number of positions including President (three terms), membership chair, tail twister, greeter and ran many projects.
My thoughts about this year are we must encourage all clubs to report their service, so that others can see what projects you are doing and visa versa. Membership is also a big concern, there is no magic solution. However, I think we can start by getting our members to show our communities that we are proud to be a Lion and of the projects we do in our community. Maybe we can start by, when we are out in public wearing our Lions pin or a Lions shirt. On projects make sure your Lions flag or banner is in a prominent place and the members working are dressed in Lions apparel, thus showing the community that we are Lions and proud of it.
The other side of these projects is publicising them on social media. Leading up to the project use social media to advertise the up coming event with date, time, venue and what we are doing. On the day advertise regularly that we are at, doing this project and we will be here until. Finally advertise an acknowledgment of thanks to your community for their support and our next project/event will be.
Finally, always celebrate after your project with a coffee, a drink or maybe an impromptu bbq at a member’s place.
Lastly, I know there will be a number of challenges throughout the coming year, but I am looking forward to my year as District Governor with the support of my District.