Australian Bushfire Relief
By WebAdmin - Thursday 5th March 2020

Lions Clubs New Zealand
Kia Manaaki / We Serve
With the Aussie bushfires raging across the Tasman, many organisations and individuals in New Zealand decided to pledge money to assist the Australian emergency services and those people affected. Lions clubs in New Zealand were no exception. They got involved and worked with other members of the public to organise events and be part of the collection process with funds raised being paid through Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) or directly to the Australian Lions Clubs Foundation.
Lions clubs across New Zealand also donated funds specifically for the purchase water tanks for the affected Australian communities.
In Queenstown, several musicians organised a huge outdoor concert, with Queenstown Lions Club acting as the main collection point. An auction was also staged and the Lions members ran a BBQ on the day with proceeds also going to the relief fund. This successful day in brilliant sunshine meant the club collected more than NZ$45,000 for distribution to bushfire charities by Queenstown Lions Club.
The local Warkworth Lions Club were able to partner with their community in raising funds and a further NZ$22,840 was sent through to LCIF for the Australian bushfire appeal.
Queenstown and Warkworth are just two of the many Lions clubs that raised and donated funds towards this relief appeal. To 31 July 2020 a total of NZ$220,000 was donated by New Zealand Lions clubs through Lions Clubs International Foundation.