A mighty big job!
By designerwebsites - Tuesday 29th August 2023

Lions can stand tall after Starship Children’s Hospital Paediatric Care Unit (PICU) success
- 202K DG Peter Henderson reports
She is a mighty big job! That was the thought when Warkworth Lions set out in June 2021 to coordinate a $406,700 fundraiser for a fully-fitted PICU room as part of the Starship PICU appeal.
But we are Lions! We had a job to do to help future generations and the task at hand, though a bit daunting, was achievable. Unfortunately, the target took a bit longer to reach than hoped asCovid curtailed the plans of many fundraising activities.
But we did it! Clubs across the country from Kaitaia to Riverton appreciated the need and that it would help their communities ... and the momentum started. We launched on the TV One breakfast show and the goodwill began. Warkworth New World immediately offered an opportunity for customers to add a donation at their checkouts for two weeks, and a Warkworth resident dropped off $1,000 cash before the TV camera operator had packed up.
The appeal gave clubs the opportunity to have a conversation point and a focus that gathered many donations through donors’ past experiences with Starship and personal circumstances. Warkworth Lions thanks clubs all over the country for taking the initiative with bold fundraising ideas during tough times. Fundraising ventures were traditional street appeals and sausage sizzles but also included movie nights, selling Christmas trees and the auction of a donated MGSports car!
Grants were applied for – and the grant from Lions Clubs International was scaled down to NZD$70,061 as additional funds came in from clubs.
The $406,700 was surpassed and the District 202K Trust topped up the additional funds to$25,000, so the final total passed to the Starship Foundation was $431,700.
She was a mighty big job, but we did it and we can stand tall and proud. We have served our communities and we have made a difference today and for the future.