Time to play!
By designerwebsites - Tuesday 29th August 2023

PLAYSCAPE project pays dividends
It might have taken several years of battling and $500,000 of furious fundraising, but when the ribbon was finally cut at the opening of Wellington Regional Hospital’s new Playscape no-one begrudged a single second.
All agreed it was time and money well spent.
Today the stunning new Lions-funded outdoor space is a pioneering retreat for young patients and families, providing both solitude and therapeutic equipment and mobility challenges for Allied Health Teams to maximise treatments. Having raised funds for the original children’s playground in 2002, it was fitting that Lions were back for such a celebration in 2023.
At the opening earlier this year, PDG Simon Williams admitted Covid and labour and building material shortages had provided giant challenges but that no-one, from the nation-wide clubs that donated to the hard workers of Districts 202D, 202E and 202M, had wavered in chasing the dream.
“It has been a wonderful journey,” he said in thanking the many contributors.
And he reminded Sir Mark Dunajtschik who in September 2020 had signed the Memorandum of Understanding for the project of his quote: “People that are born with a healthy body and mind can look after themselves. Those unfortunate to be born with or suffering ill health need our help.”