Diabetes NZ
Diabetes is one of the most serious of public health concerns throughout the modern world and if current trends continue those with diabetes will increase dramatically from 240 million to 456 million over the next 20 years (World Health Organisation). Statistics from New Zealand indicate an alarming parallel trend (currently over 225,000 New Zealanders have diabetes and 50 more people are diagnosed every day).

The complications associated with diabetes are many and can be devastating for individuals, families and communities. Costs related to care and treatment is substantial. It is generally agreed that some of the greatest challenges associated with diabetes include:
- Identifying those with type 2 diabetes;
- Preventing onset of type 2 diabetes where possible and delaying or preventing diabetes complications (for all living with diabetes); and
- Improving access to comprehensive care.
Lions Clubs New Zealand and Diabetes NZ work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the public of New Zealand though joint awareness campaigns.
- To alert the public to the dangers associated with obesity, lack of physical activity and the likelihood of significant health repercussions through type 2 diabetes.
- To increase public awareness of both the causes of Type 2 diabetes and the complications associated with diabetes generally.
- To slow the increase in the number of people presenting with type 2 diabetes within the population and the development of serious diabetes complications.