Kidney Kids

Lions Clubs throughout the country support Kidney Kids NZ. A national not for profit  organisation who provide support and services to children with kidney disease/disorders and their family/whanau.


Kidney Kids NZ offers home and hospital visits, practical, emotional and educational support. Annual kidney kid camps, regional visits and family/whanau get togethers, Information and resource material. Quarterly newsletters, regular emails and phone support.


To find out more please contact Kidney Kids NZ website


PDG Wendy Goodwin was interviewed about the Kan Tab project in September 2020 Listen to this here.



How can you help the Kantab project

If you have can tabs to donate you can contact one of our area coordinators to find out more or if we have no club operating in the area perhaps you could take the items directly to a scrap metal supplier to sell and pay any funds you receive directly to Kidney Kids NZ.

Want Kantab collection tins for your business or community group?  You can order them here and start collection for pickup by a Lions club.  Contact your local area contacts below for more information or collection of Kantabs.

Our Area Contacts

District Covered - refer to map Contact Person Email


District D  - Taranaki Region and Manawatu

Daphne Sinclair-Holley 202d.kantabs(at)


District E  - Upper South Island & West Coast

PDG Raewyn Clearwater 202e.kantabs(at)


District F - Lower South Island


Andy Andrews



District J - Central South Island East Coast -Rakaia along the East Coast to Timaru and inland to Fairlie & McKenzie area

Malcolm Lill m.m.lill(at)
District K - Upper North Island This region only has a few local clubs assisting with the program.  The details of those clubs are below.


District K - Orewa Lions Club


Martin Saggers


Mob: 0210 263 7269


District K - Hillcrest Lions Auckland


Linda Forbes



(Linda underscore Forbes)


District K - Kowhai Lions Warkworth


Olwyn Hill olwynhill(at)


District K- Waipu Lions

Dave Bell jo.ding(at)


District L - Central North Island


Alan Hay




District L - Katikati area


Drop off directly to Katikati or Athenree Recycle Centre


District L - Hamilton St Andrews Lions Club

Andrew Malloch andrewmalloch(at)


District L - Hamilton Dinsdale Lions Club

Paul Alexander





District M - East Cape to Wellington

Simon Williams 202m.gst(at)




Kindness Matters

We are 8000 men and women serving in clubs across New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa, American Samoa and Fiji.  Use the button below to find your local club and send them a message directly.

Find and message your local club

Get in touch

Please contact our National Office if you have a general query. 

We aim to respond to you within 48 hours.

Contact Us