Young Ambassador
The Lions Young Ambassador program is part of the “Lions Opportunities for Youth” initiative. The mission statement of Lions Opportunities for Youth is:
To provide the young people of the world with opportunities for achievement, learning, contribution and service, individually and collectively, through sponsorship of activities identified as best practices in the field of youth development.
The Young Ambassador program encourages youth to see community service as an integral part of leadership skills. By celebrating achievement alongside community service youth start to understand the importance of clubs such as Lions and the motto “We Serve”.

This program is looking for leaders of the future with an emphasis on community service being part of that leadership. This is done by way of a written CV an interview and a presentation of a speech
The criteria for this competition is:
That the participant must be aged between 15 & 19years old as at 1st June.
That the winner will go on to compete in the District Final later in the year.
The participant will partake in all three stages of the competition.
We invite you and your staff to nominate two students to be considered for the Zone award. For co-educational high schools we would prefer a mix of boys and girls, but not necessarily, to be your candidates. On receiving their names and addresses, we will make contact with them and explain what the competition is about. From that point onwards, it will be over to the student to decide if they wish to enter.
The prize at the local area is payment of up to $1000.00 towards ongoing education, nominated by the winner.
The prize at the District areas, which is winners of the 10 local competitions, is payment of up to $1500.00 towards ongoing education, nominated by the winner.
This competition takes place in District 202K (Upper North Island – Whitianga to Kaitaia)